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Microsoft UK Tech days (day 5)

5 minute read

by Peter Daukintis Windows Phone 7 Charlie Kindel gave keynote presentation on Windows Phone 7. These are my notes: The focus for Microsoft Mobile has switch...

Microsoft UK Tech days (day 4)

1 minute read

by Peter Daukintis The cinema screen used for the presentations at the Fulham Vue Cinema. This was the client-based tech day: Windows 7 The Windows 7 Code ...

Microsoft UK Tech days (day 3)

2 minute read

by Peter Daukintis I am planning to attend days 3, 4 and 5 of MS UK Techdays; here are some of the notes I scribbled down at day 3: Silverlight 4.0 Silverlig...

TDD Introduction

4 minute read

by Peter Daukintis Test Driven Development This is a basic introduction to test-driven development describing related technologies in a simple, straightforwa...