Microsoft UK Tech days (day 4)

1 minute read

by Peter Daukintis

tech days

The cinema screen used for the presentations at the Fulham Vue Cinema.

This was the client-based tech day:

Windows 7

The Windows 7 Code Pack provides a managed wrapper around the COM-based interfaces provided for many of the Windows 7 differentiating client application features. These include jump lists, file dialogs, sensor APIs Direct3D, linguistic services, etc. Sensor support in Windows 7, such as .NET 4.0 location APIs, light sensors, etc.

WPF 4.0

Another great presentation from Ian Griffiths on WPF 4.0 and supporting features in VS2010. VS2010 has improved data-binding, better intellisense and an improved designer. The new features include a User Interface for styles and resources, a user interface for editing data-binding and drag and drop support for the data sources window.

It is also possible to get ViewModel data-binding support from within VS2010 using the xaml namespace in the following way:

d:DataContext=”{d:DesignInstance vm:myViewModel}”

where d is the xamlnamespace and vm is the namespace with your view model in. This will then allow the data-binding to be wired up via the new user interface elements. This is pretty cool and should decrease the chances of making mistakes when setting up the bindings manually.

