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skydrive photo upload wp7

less than 1 minute read

Peter Daukintis I just modified my file upload sample ( to use the PhotoChooserTask to ...

datatemplateselector winrt

2 minute read

by Peter Daukintis Having used DataTemplateSelectors previously with WPF and similar on Silverlight/Windows Phone I decided to check out whether they work th...

wp7 Collectionviewsource filtering

less than 1 minute read

Having read a recent question on the App Hub Forums I decided to update my previous post on CollectionViewSource

wp7 skydrive upload

less than 1 minute read

Technorati Tags: wp7dev Download the sdk, which at the time of writing is here

Nokia Lumia 800 Developer Gift

less than 1 minute read

A few months back Nokia announced their intention to provide developers with windows phone hardware in the shape of 25000 Lumia 800s (see http://www.winrumor...

WCF web api + developer APi keys

4 minute read

I found myself with the requirement of needing custom authorization for a rest-style web API. The requirements would be something along the lines of Netflix,...

wp7 – custom control project template

1 minute read

I couldn’t locate a Visual Studio project template for creating a windows phone 7 custom control library. So….I decided to make one. It is pretty straight-fo...